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Macroscopic nonlocal correlations in reverse time by data of the Baikal Experiment
Буднев Н.М. (Budnev N.M.), Орехова Д.А. (Orekhova D.A.) Macroscopic nonlocal correlations in reverse time by data of the Baikal Experiment // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2020. V. 1557. P. 012026.

Категории: Исследование, Авторский указатель

Macroscopic nonlocal correlations in reverse time by data of the Baikal Experiment
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Consideration of macroscopic entanglement in the framework of action-at-a- distance electrodynamics leads to rather simple description of macroscopic quantum nonlocal correlations between random dissipative processes in the source and detector. These correlations have both the retarded and advanced component. The latter means correlation in reverse time. Therewith the advanced component through an absorbing medium exceeds the retarded one. For diffusion entanglement swapping the retardation and advancement can be very large. These correlations are detected at extremely low frequencies and characterized by the large time shifts. But these experiments are very dicult in a usual laboratory because of various local interferences. The experimental problem is elegantly solved under deep-sea conditions. The Baikal long-term experiment has started in 2012 at Baikal Deep Sea Neutrino Observatory. The long-term observations demonstrated that detector signals respond nonlocally to the random heliophysical processes. This nonlocal correlation proved to contain considerable time reversed component, exceeding time respecting one. Next, advanced nonlocal correlations of the detector signal with two regional random source-processes: strong earthquake and low frequency macroturbulence in the lake were revealed. In fact this means observation of the random future. The possibilities of the forecasts of random components of solar and hydrological activities on correlations in reverse time have been demonstrated.

DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1557/1/012026

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