Electron Trembling as a Result of Its Stationary Motion in an Extra Space along Helical Line of the Compton Radius with the Speed of Light (“Zitterbewegung’’ in Multidimensional Space)
Because there is additional space in which the observed three-dimensional Universe expands, it is believed that elementary particles move at the speed of light in full space in a vicinity of a hypersurface of three-dimensional sphere that is our Universe. Any interpretation of a spin and isotopic spin of electron requires at least three additional spatial dimensions. As applied to six-dimensional space, the simplest interpretation of the Heisenberg’s uncertainties relation, de Broglie waves, Klein-Gordon equation, electron proper magnetic moment, CPT-symmetry, spin, and isotopic spin is consistent with the results of the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. Taking into account the movement of elementary particle (at the speed of light) along a helical line of Compton radius, when the axis of the helix is placed on that hyper-surface, we find a trajectory of the particle.
DOI: 10.9734/PSIJ/2020/v24i430188
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