Eleven steps to right understanding of time


1.    Motion of objects and particles do not happen in time, it happens in space only.

2.    Time is what we measure with clocks: with clocks we measure duration and numerical order of massive objects and elementary particles motion into space.

3.    As a "fourth" coordinate of space-time time is a "coordinate of motion", it describes motion of massive bodies and particles into space.

4.    Space-time is a math model only; space-time does not exist as a physical reality.

5.    In a model of space-time we describe motion of objects and particles into space.

6.    Space itself is atemporal.

7.    Humans experience atemporal space as a present moment.

8.    Past and future exists only in the mind; physical past and future do not exist.

9.    Time as a "coordinate of motion" is not elementary physical quantity as energy, matter, space and motion are.

10.                      Time as a coordinate of motion exists only when we measure it.

11.                      Universe is an atemporal phenomenon.



