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Criteria of ecological pressure on agricultural systems
Сапунов В.Б. Criteria of ecological pressure on agricultural systems // 11 p.

Категории: Исследование, Авторский указатель

Criteria of ecological pressure on agricultural systems
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The article is suggestion on cheap and effective monitoring of agricultural systems under modern ecological state. Article include both mathematical algorithm for assay quality of agrocenosis and example of its use basing on indicating species. The current global environmental situation leads to significant environmental disturbances in agricultural systems. Quantitative and qualitative assessment of the state of agrocenosis is necessary to ensure efficient agricultural production and ensure environmental cleanliness of products. There is a need for effective and inexpensive methods of regular monitoring of agricultural systems. Such methods can be based on the achievements of fundamental science, especially ecology. These methods were developed for a number of years by the ecological scientific schools of Russia. The methods of assessing the state and forecasting are static and dynamic. Dynamic methods are based on the assessment of trends in the development of the system using methods of applied mathematics. In static approaches, the method of phenogenetic indication based on the measured parameters of the population, such as sex ratio, sexual dimorphism, quantitative and qualitative variability, is important. At the same time, the types of indicators of the quality of the ecological situation are determined, the populations of which are subject to assessment and survey. Biological species that may be used as indicator are proposed. The species must be wide spread and useful for phenogenic study. Such tree as a Betula is proposed. Quantitative analysis of folia geometry by methods of mathematical statistics may suggest assay of level of pollution by different toxicants. The corresponding approaches have been worked out on the assessment of agricultural systems in the North-Western region of Russia and can be applied to other regions of the globe, in particular, to the Mediterranean Sea region. The most significant projected trends are the growth of specific agricultural production in conditions of population stabilization and increased instability of the ecological situation.

Keywords: ecological control, phenogenic indication

Work was reported at the "15th International Congress on Agricultural Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture", October 29 – November 1, 2023 in Antalya, Türkiye. 

IMG 20231031 150704 HDR2

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