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Electron Trembling as a Result of Its Stationary Motion in an Extra Space along Helical Line of the Compton Radius with the Speed of Light (“Zitterbewegung’’ in Multidimensional Space)
Урусовский И.А. Electron Trembling as a Result of Its Stationary Motion in an Extra Space along Helical Line of the Compton Radius with the Speed of Light (“Zitterbewegung’’ in Multidimensional Space) // Physical Science International Journal. 2020. 24(4): 48-52; Article no.PSIJ.56972

Категории: Исследование, Авторский указатель

Electron Trembling as a Result of Its Stationary Motion in an Extra Space along Helical Line of the Compton Radius with the Speed of Light (“Zitterbewegung’’ in Multidimensional Space)
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Because there is additional space in which the observed three-dimensional Universe expands, it is believed that elementary particles move at the speed of light in full space in a vicinity of a hypersurface of three-dimensional sphere that is our Universe. Any interpretation of a spin and isotopic spin of electron requires at least three additional spatial dimensions. As applied to six-dimensional space, the simplest interpretation of the Heisenberg’s uncertainties relation, de Broglie waves, Klein-Gordon equation, electron proper magnetic moment, CPT-symmetry, spin, and isotopic spin is consistent with the results of the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. Taking into account the movement of elementary particle (at the speed of light) along a helical line of Compton radius, when the axis of the helix is placed on that hyper-surface, we find a trajectory of the particle.

DOI: 10.9734/PSIJ/2020/v24i430188

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