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A new simple method for generation and detection of elementary DM particles via collisions between elementary antiparticles (positrons-positrons), (antiprotons-antiprotons), (positrons-antiprotons) in colliders
Грибов Ю.А. (Gribov Y.A.) A new simple method for generation and detection of elementary DM particles via collisions between elementary antiparticles (positrons-positrons), (antiprotons-antiprotons), (positrons-antiprotons) in colliders // http://vixra.org. 2015. 8 p.

Категории: Исследование, Авторский указатель, Время в математике, Математика

A new simple method for generation and detection of elementary DM particles via collisions between elementary antiparticles (positrons-positrons), (antiprotons-antiprotons), (positrons-antiprotons) in colliders
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The substantially new simple method for generating & detection of elementary particles of Dark Matter (DM) is proposed [1], distinguished by the fact that pairs of elementary (DM /(Ordinary Antimatter (OAM), particles like (dark electron/positron), (dark proton/antiproton) etc. could be easily created in conventional low energy colliders, but only in collision between elementary antiparticles (preferably positrons-positrons, antiprotons-antiprotons or positrons- antiprotons).

This method is predicted by the new physical concept of DM by the author, where DM particles are intrinsically identical to our Ordinary Matter (OM) particles, but are shifted in two the nearest adjacent DM-Universes [2]. The method can be used for calibration the proposed direct-DMdetectors by the author , using captured antiparticles - physical mediators between OM and DM [3]. The dark DM-protons etc. created in the collider via the colliding antimatter will atypically annihilate with the visible OAM antiprotons captured in the DM-detector with outcome of two gamma quanta (one dark- undetectable and one detectable).

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